Thursday, December 15, 2011

An obituary for the Emerging Church?

An obituary for the Emerging Church?

Reposted from Stand Up For the Truth

Maze Presbyterian Church and Hall. The Church ...
Is the shelf life of the Emergent Church past the date?  Not by any means! In fact, we’re going to make the case today that it is morphing into something very dangerous.
Today many Christian leaders are trying to convince us that the Emerging Church movement is dead–and that we should simply stop talking about it. But when you hear our special guest today, Mary Danielsen, you’ll understand why some leaders want you to believe that there is nothing to worry about–nothing to see here.
You’ll want to make sure you pay particular attention to the name Philip Clayton, one of the top post-modern intellectuals today and a driving force behind Big Tent Christianity. He is also the chief guru of Emergence Theology, part of a new field of emergent sciences, and the underlying force of the ever-evolving Emergent Church.
Mary is a teacher and writer who has studied prophesy for 3 decades. Check out her site,, and read her “Contender’s Series.”