'Oprah's Next Chapter' Pastor Joel Osteen talks Homosexuality and Degrees of Sin From huffingtonpost.com - "Osteen did confirm that he sees homosexualty as a sin, based on what he's read in scripture. But his point is, that it isn't necessarily a bigger sin than so many others, and therefore perhaps it shouldn't be emphasized and sensationalized as such.
He also said that he believes homosexuals can get into Heaven, just as other people with sin in them can. "
Is "name it claim it" teaching Biblical? from gotquestions.org - "In his book Your Best Life Now, prosperity teacher Joel Osteen says that the key to a more rewarding life, a better home, a stronger marriage and a better job is found in a “simple yet profound process to change the way you think about your life and help you accomplish what is truly important.” How different that is from the biblical truth that this life now is nothing compared to the life to come."